School of Education Hosts Luganda Teachers Annual Conference


School of Education, Makerere University annually hosts the Luganda Teachers Annual Conference.  This year’s Luganda Teachers Annual Conference was organised by the Department of Humanities and Language Education and the Luganda Teacher’s Association on 31st May 2018 at the School of Education Conference Hall.

The Conference was officially opened by the Principal College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi who also doubles as the president for the Luganda Teacher’s Association. In his opening remarks, he stressed that teachers should give their personal security a priority. He also said that there is a need to remember and recorganize distinguished teachers who have promoted and enriched the Luganda vocabulary.

He reminded teachers to use their time profitably and also stressed the need to enrich and promote the Luganda vocabulary. He reminded teachers that they need to update themselves to copy up with the rapid changes in Technology so as to become a teachers of the 21st Century.  He also emphasised the need of teaching using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The Professor of Linguistics informed teachers about the importance of language to the nation saying that killing the language means killing the nation

During the first session of the conference, Ms   Nakandi Rehema Yawe deliberated on the role of a Luganda Teacher in School and a leader in school. Teachers were reminded about the dressing code and the importance of unity as teachers.  He also advised teacher to always go back to school to search for new knowledge and advised teacher to copy with the changing environment in the education system. She emphasised Luganda teachers to take care of the school property where they teach and train students in the right way, mentor new Luganda teachers joining the schools. She said that she was mentored by Prof. Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi

Dr. Kiiza Mukasa deliberated on remembering heroes of Luganda Language. He started his presentation with a poem and said that Luganda teachers should learn from Luganda heroes.  He discussed Luganda heroes who passed on and defined who a Luganda hero is. He defined a Luganda hero as the person who has dedicated their time to enrich and promote the Luganda language. He said that most of the Luganda Language heroes passed on and some are still alive. Among the dead is Professor Livingstone Walusimbi, developed the department of linguistics by introducing Luganda in the department, without him the Luganda Language would not be where it is in terms of vocabulary. He dedicated all his time and his resources to promote the Luganda Language.

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