Betty Kyakuwa


Once again, Dr. Caesar Jjingo participated in the 2023 Annual Conference for the National Association of Self-instructional Language Programs (NASILP). The NASILP conferences bring together practitioners that utilise the Self-Instructional Programs across the USA. Self-Instructional Program (SIP) is a model designed to, among other foci, implement the teaching and learning of less commonly taught languages...
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The Makerere University Youth and Innovation Expo 2023 that kick-off on Friday, October 06 with the grand opening ceremony presided over by key persons in the country ended on Saturday, October 07, with student innovators exposed to the market and ushered into how they can commercialize their products. The two-day event attracted student- innovators from...
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The East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development has bid farewell to two of its long-serving senior staff, namely, Prof. J.C.S. Musaazi and Dr. David Onen. This was at a colorful luncheon held at the University Guest House gardens on Friday 29nd September, 2023. Spiced with music, dance, food, drinks, jokes, laughter and...
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Dr. Caesar Jjingo, who is on a fellowship in the USA, was on September 29 and 30th sharing knowledge with other researchers during the South-East African Languages and Literature Forum at the University of Florida. In this forum which brought together African language practitioners – researchers, teachers and graduate students mainly from the USA, Dr. Jjingo...
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Introduction: Saturday, September 30th, 2023 marked a significant milestone for the Love Binti Women Empowerment Project, which focuses on equipping communities with valuable fashion and design skills. The project, a collaborative effort between Love Binti International, an international NGO operating in Uganda, and Makerere University‘s College of Education and External Studies in the Department of Adult...
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38 people from six nature loving countries have acquired skills in environment collaboration and conflict resolution (ECCR) during a one week training course conducted in Bigodi village, Fort Portal City. The six countries include Finland, USA, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and the hosts, Uganda. According to its innovators, the course focuses on inculcating skills and knowledge...
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