Group five of Pedagogical skills training for Assistant Lecturers at Makerere University has started on 17th October 2018 up to Friday 19th October 2018. The training has been organised for Assistant Lecturers from Makerere University College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology and few Assistant lecturer from College of Agriculture and Environment Sciences who had missed earlier Training that was intended for their College.
It has been organised by Makerere University Directorate of Human Resource basing on the Technical Assistance from the College of Education and External Studies through its East African School for Higher Education Studies and Development, School of Education and Centre for Teaching and Learning support.
The closing session was graced by Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs who was representing by Prof. David Kabasa, the Principal, Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity. He thanked Makerere University College of Education and External Studies for accepting to provide the technical support in the Pedagogical training for Makerere University. Prof Kabasa stressed that skills got through the Pedagogical training workshop will enhance knowledge delivery for all Assistant lecturer to students of Makerere University. He also appreciated the Directorate of Human Resources and the facilitators for the good work done.
Prof David Kabasa in his observations, he called Pedagogical Training a success story saying that there is a big change in service delivery for lecturer at College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity that have undergone this training. He also pointed out that tools for making Makerere University great again are with us by utilizing intercollegiate competency
He ended the session by awarding certificates to participants that successfully completed the pedagogical training workshop.
The Director, Makerere University Directorate Human Resources, Mr. Andrew Abunyang started his speech by saying that its time to make Makerere University great again. He said that while its management decision that all teaching staff should go through pedagogical training, he also revealed that that non teaching staff will also go through some training at a later stage.
Mr. Andrew Abunyang also revealed that the Pedagogical training is designed in a way that each Cohort should be comprised of 35 Assistant Lecturers and training should resume after two weeks.
One of the participants thanked the workshop facilitators adding that they are people of great repute and university management for taking up the decision of training assistant lectures in pedagogical skill and confessed that he has attained much from the training.
Dr. David Kabugo the Coordinator for Makerere University, Centre for Teaching and Learning support was one of the key trainers in the Pedagogical skills training.
In this training, the university is equipping lecturers with skills that will enhance lectures ability to deliver knowledge well to students. Here is Assoc Prof Betty Ezati the Dean School of Education and Dr David Onen from the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development kick-starting the training
Dr. David Onen from Makerere University East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development was the Master of Ceremony for the closing session. He invited Associate Professor Betty Ezati, the Dean Makerere University School of Education, and the senior trainer of the pedagogical skills to give an overview for what transpired in during the training. She reported that group 5 has been so committed and registered no dropout. She stated that there is a lot to be covered in a very short period and called on participants to go and read more since the content had already been prepared. Prof. Betty Ezati highlighted the participant’s expectations and the training outcomes