On 15th May 2018, the Principal CEES Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi hosted Sustainable Futures in Afica (SFC) Network members from University of Glasgow in United Kingdom who are having a collaborative engagement with the College Education and External Studies through its School of Distance and lifelong learning. The Sustainable Futures in Africa (SFA) Network is an interdisciplinary collective that brings together researchers, educators, and communities of practice that acknowledge the situated and complex nature of practices and conceptions of sustainability. The Network aims to build understanding, research, and practice in socio-ecological sustainability in Africa.
One the SFC members, Dr. Mia Perry who is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow in the School of Education and a Lead Coordinator for the Sustainable Futures for Africa Network, gave a very exciting and a motivational presentation to staff and graduated students at the College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University during the CEES Tuesday Lunch Time Seminar Series on 15th May 2018. She presented on the title: Sustaining partnerships and methods across countries and continents for international development-related research. For details about the presentation click here
During her presentation, she discussed issues of Interdisciplinary research where she stressed that SFA Network brings together environmental and social scientists in Community and public pedagogies to address the knowledge implementation gap.
Dr. Alex Okot, Dean, School of Distance and Lifelong Learning said that they went to the field to collect information with people of different spcecialities both arts and sciencies, they went with no instruments to Lira communities, but talked to the community and they were able to get all the information they wanted with the help of the community.
Mr. Tibs Tumwesigye, Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Adult and Community Education gave a vote of thanks to Dr. Mia Perry for giving an exciting presentation, he stressed that issues of sustainability, Community particiuaption and partnerships are the way to go if Universities are to move forward , thanked the university of Glasgow for choosing to collaborate with makerere University and Africa in general. He further stressed that there is a need for the universities to move to communities so as to be relavant to the demands of the day.
Towards the end of the Presentation Assoc Professor Paul B. Muyinda, the Deputy Principal College of Education and External Studies thanked the guest presenter and our colloborators, he stressed that we have learnt a new methodology of geting knowledge and information in research and said this is a new kind of research methodology, howeever he siad he said this kind methodology has always been used but people/researchers are not a ware that it was a research metholody. He appreciated that methodology has an inherent idea of giving back to the community, which is the reason why most academic resaerch has stoped at the university without reaching the community, therefore University of Glasgow partniership with makerere University is timely and he promissed to present this kind methodology to higher levels. He assured SFC members that the college is ready to have more other collaborative engagements with university of Glasgow.