MAK-CEES Principal delegated by MAK-VC to open CODESRIA workshop 2018

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On Monday 23rd April 2018, the Principal College of Education and External Studies, Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi was delegated by Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabus Nawangwe to open the two weeks CODESRIA workshop that that took place at Makerere University Senate Building Level 4 conference hall. The workshop attracted participants from Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria. The theme of the event was on the on the Role of Middle-level academics in University leadership.

The event was organised was organised by Dr. Ronald Bisaso, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Higher Education. The event was funded by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York that is implementing a new Higher Education Policy Initiative (HEPI). The initiative aims at engaging academics and stakeholders in higher education in Africa on issues and policy directions that can secure greater autonomy for the institutions and, deepen cultures of accountability and oversight and contribute to ensuring the institutions focus on their academic roles.

Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi delivered the Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabus Nawangwe speech to the participants. He informed participant that VC would have been at the event but the Vice Chancellor was engaged in an event were the First Lady, Minster of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda was officiating at the Mak-Sweden Bilateral Research Annual Planning Meeting (APM) that was held on the same day Monday 23rd April 2018 under a theme: “Harnessing the power of research and innovations for social transformation.”  

Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi emphasised the need to team up as academicians of African universities to find solutions for African Universities, and to engage our national government. He said that many times politician need to be engaged and be educated on the role of higher education to national development. He also informed participant that CEES is will to collaborate with participants respective universities in various areas

In the Vice Chancellor welcome remark, he stresses that he was exceedingly honoured for HIP to have chosen Makerere University to host CODESRIA. He also welcomed all participants to their respective capacities.  He stressed the higher education management is pivot in building strong and higher education systems and strategic leadership capacity to meaning full contribute to the knowledge of any country. 

After Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi delivered the speech, he was handed books from CODESRIA by the workshop organisers to deliver the Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabus Nawangwe.

The Vice Chancellor was aware that participants were drown from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo and said that such a composition clearly emphasises the need to harmonise higher Education Practices across the continent.  He also said that we are aware tae there a shift from focussing on only top mgt as key drivers of higher Education  Institute leadership, there need to involve middle level managers are required to be more pro active and  also these call for rethinking. The Vice Chancellor informed participant that Makerere University is ranked based on research output by High Times University Rankings.


During the two weeks when the workshop taking place, a number of presentations and lectures were made. The Role of Middle-level academics in University leadership was extensively discussed. The opening session was chaired by Ibrahim Oanda (CODESRIA, TGF Program) and rapporteured by Agnes Wagithi.  Introduction to the HEPI Program: Harnessing the Intellectual and leadership Potential of Middle Level Academics in African Universities was given by Ibrahim Oanda (CODESRIA). A number of Lectures and presentations followed during the course of the event. During the discussion, issues of higher institution rankings come up and it was stressed that this is a new phenomenon that should not be under rated.

The event was closed on 3rd May 2018 by Prof. Vincent Ssembatya, the director, Quality Assurance Makerere University.  He stressed the role of universities in economic development in his closing remarks. He also said research has shown that returns on investments on higher education in sub Saharan Africa are high than any other part world over.

He also said university are now operating in the area of accountability.  Prof. Vincent Ssembatya pointed out that Higher Education needs capacity and Autonomy but most universities managed by government lack autonomy. He also point out at forces of market demand; there need to interrogate how we can make universities relevant to the market demand. He said Makerere University is acting as breeding site for Vice Chancellors in the Country there is needed to train Vice Chancellors on Higher Education Management.

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