On 25th October 2017, DSTVE held TESSA (Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa) workshop under TESSA Project. The theme of the workshop was “Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa”. In attaining the above, an online course has been introduced to help teacher’s use active learning and ICT in the classroom. The online course will start on Monday30th October 2017 and it will take 4 weeks. TESSA-Africa is an initiative of the Open University of UK that is sponsoring a four weeks online course on interactive teaching
The workshop was opened by the Acting Dean, School of Education Makerere University Dr. Henry Busulwa who requested members to actively engage and register for the online course that is going to start which will make participants to be teachers relevant for the 21st Century Africa.
The online course aims at anyone who works with or trains pr-service or in-service teachers in Africa, including teacher educators, headteachers, education officers, lecturers, tutors and teachers and teachers working together to provide peer-support.
At the end of the course one will be able to recorganize and organise active teaching and learning, incorporate ICT tools and OER in his own practice to support his own students’ learning and finally explore and evaluate other OER repositories
Jane Kulle from the Open University, Uk was the presenter of day who come to prepare the participants mentally on how the mode of studying is going to be different from the normal studying. She presented on a number issues
During the Training Mr. Reymick Oketch assistant lecturer in the Department of Science Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE), School of Education, took participant through the online registration process.
He said this is a massive online open course (MOOC) which is free of charge and that there are three facilitators; Dr. Henry Busulwa, Dr. Julian Bbuye and Reymick Oketch. Reymick said that his group has 92 participants who have registered for the online course, 3 are lecturers from School of Education and the rest are students who have graduated from School of Education, Makerere University. Dr. Henry Busulwa group has 60 participant composed of lectures from the Department of Science Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE), School of Education and also teachers who are already in the field, while Julian Bbuye group has 30 participants composed of tutors from Primary Teacher Colleges and lectures from universities in Uganda