bint22 (810 x 554)

The three weeks based curriculum to train students has kicked with a great preference. More than forty students have so far enrolled but the project can only take in forty trainees for the purposes of better learning environment. The enrollers have been divided in four cohorts. Cohort 1 runs Monday to Wednesday 9:00-1:00pm, cohort 2 runs Monday to Wednesday 2:00-5:00pm, cohort  3 runs Thursday to Saturday 9:00-1:00pm and cohort 4 runs Thursday  to Saturday 2:00-5:00pm. Each cohort holds ten participants.

The courses being offered include tailoring (pads and dress making), entrepreneurship and life skills plus reproductive health and menstrual hygiene. The trainees will be reaching out to the local communities at the end of their training.

 Staff, students and communities around can enrol now for the next training which will commence mid July.

Makcees love-Binti, empowering the girl child 


Written by

Ainembabazi Angeline

student intern,communication office CEES



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