
CEES through the Department of Adult and Community Education, School of Distance and LIFELONG learning has entered into a partnership with an NGO from Taiwan, LOVE-Binti International to roll out the implementation of a reusable sanitary pads project in Makerere University and the surrounding communities. Different delegates attended the launch of this project which was on the 12th June 2018.

The Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Makerere University, Prof. Okollo Ogwanga, welcomed everyone to the launch of Love Binti Project at the College of Education of Education and External Studies and thanked the partners for identifying Makerere University as a Partner Institution in the Love Binti project

Prof. Okollo Ogwanga  said that he is proud of a project like this one because it falls within the docket and core functions of Makerere University as a Research- Led University in the function of Community Engagements. Makerere University staff, students and Ugandans in general will benefit from Love Bint Project since it will help in solving this urgent problem that is leading to high school dropout in Uganda.

 He also stressed that Love Binti Project is starting at the right time when the government has made it pronouncement that there are no funds to procure pads for young girls at school due to limited resources therefore the project brings a mechanism that will solve the girl child school dropout through sewing and tailoring training for cloth pad making. The trainings include field-based training to reduce the issue of lack of pads for school girls; and centre-based tailoring training which equip more trainees with skills in pad-making to go out in the field as empowering agents. Besides making reusable sanitary pads, the project will train participants in dress sewing, entrepreneurship skills and reproductive and menstrual hygiene management. With these approaches, the project will reduce the dropout rates in schools and increase women independence.

“As University Management, we pledge our total support to this well intentioned project and commit to be part of the struggle to contribute to reduction of the girl child school dropout in Uganda” the deputy vice-chancellor said

Finally he extended his gratitude to the Department of Adult and Community Education, School of Distance and Lifelong Learning, College of Education and External Studies and the Love Binti International and its partner Organisation Step30 international Ministries for launching the Love Binti Project at Makerere University

Deputy Principle CEES Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu represented the principal CEES who had gone for burial arrangements of the late Irene .Prof. Paul pledged enroll for the three weeks training and learn in order to be able to help women; he hopes the project will go far since the college has many learning centers all over the country.

The Dean, School of Distance and Lifelong Learning, Dr. Alex Okot was represented by Dr. Bananuka Twine who congratulated the Love Binti project and said that as lifelong learning embrace the project since it has an element that learning never ends and can take place outside the university .Dr. Bananuka Twine said a girl child is important. He quoted

”women are the largest untapped reserve of talent of the world” (Hillary Clinton),”when women thrive, the whole society benefits”

“when we tap into that talent the world will change, we are excited to partner with you” he added

Dr. Bananuka advised that the project should highlight the role 0of the father in this move to avoid the failure that has been registered in other projects that don t consider it

Mr. Joseph Watuleke moderated the ceremony and his great work as the Love Binti coordinator will practically improve the entrepreneur class since it does not only give knowledge but also skills that are helpful for job creation and helping out on our communities.

Local council chair person Makerere University Mr. Bategaya William was grateful to be part of the ceremony and on behalf of the university local council and his own behalf welcomed everyone and reported that there is enough security in the Makerere community for the perfect carrying out of the project activities .Mr. Bategaya also called the day a historical one and promise his availability whenever there is call for help.

The Chair, Department of Adult and Community Eduction, Mr. Ahimbisibwe Karembe was represented by Mr. Arbert Tumwebaze. Mr. Tumwebaze appreciated the college’s approval under the principal to allocate the space for the project launch. In his words he appreciated the project since it will help train students who can help in doing community outreaches as one way of finding problems that are affecting these communities. Mr. Arbert Tumwebaze hopes that the project will attract other schools like the School of Education as it gets embraced and promoted in the university as a whole. As the entrepreneurship class, he says they are going to be enriched.

Executive Director Love BINTI, Ms. Elle Yang said that the project started in 2015 and the main goal is “to keep girls in school”. So far Love BINTI has gone to 281 places including churches and villages where they do the teaching. She exclaimed that Uganda receives a big number of refugees and the majority of them are women which is another reason to increase the outreaches through a lot of communications, cooperating and creating platforms as it has been done in Makerere University. Ms. Elle Yang further said enrolment for four weeks training is on and trainees shall receive certificates at the end of the training .she is grateful for the positive response from the university.

Written by

Angeline Ainembabazi,

Student Intern

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