On 26 June 2018, the Deputy Principal MAKCEES, Associate Professor Paul B. Muyinda is at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London validating a new Project we have been developing as members of Association of Commonwealth Universities. The project is called the Commonwealth Higher Education Youth Work Consortium Degree Programme Project. The project will benefit our recently...Read More
The Office of the Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission lists for privately sponsored students including International Applicants for the Academic Year 2018/2018. Kindly click on the attached file below to access the admission list for various academic programmes at the Makerere University, College of Education and External Studies and general admission list click hereRead More
The three weeks based curriculum to train students has kicked with a great preference. More than forty students have so far enrolled but the project can only take in forty trainees for the purposes of better learning environment. The enrollers have been divided in four cohorts. Cohort 1 runs Monday to Wednesday 9:00-1:00pm, cohort 2...Read More
CEES through the Department of Adult and Community Education, School of Distance and LIFELONG learning has entered into a partnership with an NGO from Taiwan, LOVE-Binti International to roll out the implementation of a reusable sanitary pads project in Makerere University and the surrounding communities. Different delegates attended the launch of this project which was...Read More
On 13th December 2017, the College Management team visited Makerere University, Lira Study Centre in Lira District for a fact finding mission. The Team was led by the College Principal Prof. Fred Masagazi-Masaazi. The College Management Interacted with the Center Staff, Religious leaders, local political leaders, Students and other Stakeholders. The interaction meetings was dived into...Read More
The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) has this week on Monday, 4th June 2018 received science equipment for Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories from the Ministry of Education and Sports under the African Development Bank/ (HEST) project that is, the High Education Science and Technology project which has renovated the laboratories and is...Read More
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