
In order to build a strong research and publication culture in the Institute of Open Distance and elearning, the Institute held another Academic Writing Workshop in School of Distance and Lifelong Learning Conference Facility on 15th March 2018

A number of draft chapters were presented and at the end of these workshops by March 26, 2019, all chapters will be put together as a book for publication in a reputable journal

After participant’s presentations, the day’s presenter Dr. Fredrick M. Lugya from Makerere University Main Library gave an informative presentation on “Accessing e-Resources of Academic Writing”.  At the end of the presentation participants were able to use key words to search for information related to their research, carefully generate references of their work with easy, and cite authors, participants were also shown how to determine predatory journals and genuine Journals.

This was practical presentation to the workshop participants. These workshops are supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York 




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