Professors from Malmo University and Makerere University hold Interaction session on ECD Programme Development



On 11th November 2018, School of Education through its Department of Foundations and Curriculum studies held an interaction session between professors from Malmo University and Professors, Teaching staff of Makerere University Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies. This session was held in lure of a Bachelor of Early Childhood Development at Makerere University.

The session was chaired by Dr. Nicholas Itaaga, Chair Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies. In attendance was the Dean School of Education Assoc Prof. Betty Ezati, Ag Director of Institute of Education Research Assoc Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga, Ag Coordinator Centre for Teaching and Learning Support Dr. David Kabugo, academic staff in the Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies and some students studying a master of Early Childhood Development at School of Education also attended.

The Malmo team is at Makerere University to spearhead the development of Early Childhood pedagogy at Makerere University under a Malmo-Makerere Sida eighty year sponsored collaboration for capacity enhancement of Makerere University staff in Early Childhood pedagogy and curriculum development

Professors from Malmo University Sweden gave a brief background of Malmo University, Early Childhood Education background and presented briefly the programme structure of a bachelor of Art in Early Years Education.

During the interaction between professors of both universities, it come out very clear  and strongly that mother tongue instruction is very essential for  learner to understand faster.

While preschool institutions in Uganda is privately owned and funded, preschool services in Sweden is state owned, funded and with strict regulations.

It was stressed that the preschool should lay the foundations for lifelong learning. The preschool should be enjoyable, secure, and rich in learning for all children.  

Economist Heckman, pointed out in his research work that general investments in high quality preschool programs are economically profitable especially for children from so called “resource-poor” areas.  Early education leads to social levelling i.e reduces the gap between children from different social-economic groups (in the future)

In his closing remarks, Associate Professor thanked the team of professors from Sweden for coming to Uganda to spearhead the development of Early Childhood pedagogy at Makerere University; He also thanked Sida for funding this collaboration.  Assoc Prof Mugagga revealed that Bachelor of Early Childhood Development curriculum development will commence on Thursday 15th November 2018

Associate Professor, Anthony Muwagga Mugagga (PhD), the Ag Director, Institute of Education Research introducing 3 students of a Master of  Early Childhood Development

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