Assoc Prof Paul Muyinda attends SPHEIR Portfolio Workshop in Nairobi

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Associate professor Paul Birevu Muyinda (PhD), Deputy Principal, Makerere University College of Education and External Studies attended SPHEIR Portfolio Workshop is going on in Nairobi from 1st to 5th Oct 2018 . Assoc Prof Paul Muyinda's stay in Nairobi is being funded by British Council to represent the six partners in the PEBL Project in the SPHEIR Portifolio Workshop

PEBL (Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning) is one of the 9 projects under the SPHEIR Programme. Makerere University is one of the partners in the PEBL. Other partners are: Kenyatta University, Strathmore Universty, Open University of Tanzania, University of Rwanda and State University of Zanzibar. The ACU is the lead agency in the partnership. CoL leads the partnership in QA while University of Edinburgh is the technical partner responsible for LMS.

Deputy Principal, CEES, Assoc Prof. Paul Berivu Muyinda

Staff and Development Association (SEDA) is responsible for Pedagogical Capacity Building. The aim of PEBL is to share scarce faculty in East AFrica through blended learning. Six faculty from Makerere University have been undertaking one year professional certification courses in Supporting Technology Enhanced Learning (STEL) and Developing People and Enhancing Practice (DPEP). 

Makerere University competed and won a small grant to repurpose the Course – Research Methodology and Design for Biz, for offering the partnership.

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