The end of the second Cohort for Pedagogical Skills Training for Assistant Lectures at Makerere University

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The Closing of the second Cohort of Assistant Lecturers was graced by Makerere University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Prof. Earnes Okello Ogwang.  This cohort was organised for Assistant Lecturers from the College of Business and management Sciences. The training was held at Makerere University, Senate Building in the Teleconference Centre at Level 2

In his remarks, he said that it is better for University lecturers to undergo this pedagogical training to improve service delivery and that the Directorate of Human Resources is working with Makerere University, College of Education and External Studies to ensure that this training is successfull. He said that having perused through the training material he was of no doubt those lecturers will benefit much from the Pedagogical training. He also stressed the training must have given the trainees self evaluation

The Deputy Principal thanked the assistant lecturers for attended the training and he said that the relationship between Collage of Business and Management Sciences and College of Education and External Studies is quiet entrenched. He also reported that he was approached by the New Vision to talk about Education achievement of Makerere University in regard to vision 2040. He said that this training is in line with vision 2040 of producing a graduate who can meet the demands of the market. He stressed that teaching students without pedagogical skills would be had to produce a graduate who can meet the Market demands of the day. He lastly thanked the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, School of Education and Centre for Teaching and Learning Support for coming up with the appropriate training materials

The Director, Directorate of Human Resources Makerere University Mr. Andrew Abunyang said that his proud of the fact that the Pedagogical Skills training which has been on the table for a while has now taken off. He pointed out that Makerere University has the Most clever human resource (Lecturers) with first and Second Class upper degrees but without pedagogical skills, it is still hard to deliver the knowledge to students. He said that all teaching staff at Makerere University will undergo this kind of training and he is hopeful that this will take Makerere University to another level. He thanked the facilitators for the job well-done. He also thanked the Makerere University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Prof Earnest Okello Ogwang for his committement towards this training.

Certificates were a warded to participants who successfully completed the training session. The certificates were awarded by the Deputy Vice Chancellors, Academic affairs Prof Earnest Okello Ogwang and assisted by the Dean, East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development Dr Ronald Bisaso

One of the Participant, Ms Nanyanzi, Assistant Lecturer at Makerere University under the College of Business and Management Sciences, Thanked university management for having thought about this important aspect of  training lecturers in pedagogical skills and facilitators for delivering to up the participants expectations. Ms Nanyazi is hopeful that all that was taught during this workshop will be implemented and said that it was really a touching moment and the training has shaped the life of Assistant lecturers.

She called upon all participants to take the concepts taught during the training to lecture rooms for better service delivery to university clients (Students). Also called on her colleagues that they have to accept that Students are their clients and must be given first priority and they are the only reason why they are at Makerere University. She concluded by saying that she appreciates all the services that have been rendered during this training workshop

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