On 13th December 2017, the College Management team visited Makerere University, Lira Study Centre in Lira District for a fact finding mission. The Team was led by the College Principal Prof. Fred Masagazi-Masaazi.
The College Management Interacted with the Center Staff, Religious leaders, local political leaders, Students and other Stakeholders. The interaction meetings was dived into two; 1) First Interaction Meeting was between College Management team and Centre Staff, political Leaders, Religious Leaders and other stakeholders, Second Interaction Meeting was between College Management Team and Students.
After listening to all stakeholders CEES management team promised that will be able to work on the Centre Challenges right away from January 2018
On 11th January 2018, another team from Makerere University travelled to Lira Study Centre in Lira District and held a meeting with the District political head the Chairperson LC 5 and the District Chief Administrative Officer to discuss issues related to Lifelong Learning Lira (Lira Study Centre). The team comprised of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Makerere University, Prof. Earnest Okello Ogwang Associate Professor and CEES Management Team Lead by the Deputy Principal, Associate Professor Paul Birevu Muyinda
Since then College Management through its DELP Project has been working towards the fulfilment of promises made on 13th December 2017 and on 11th January 2018 to Lira Study Centre Stake holders
On Tuesday 12th June 2018, the inspection team from Makerere University, College of Education and External Studies led by Dr. Alex Okot, the dean School of Distance and Lifelong Learning travelled to Lira Study Centre and found out that most of the CEES Management promises towards solving the centre challenges had been fulfilled.
One of the notable challeges that was reported during the 13th December 2017 was lack of a pit latrine and this has been constructed therefore the is nolonger a challenge to the Centre.
The Study Centre border boundary has been has been constructed