On 17th May 2018, the School Practice Coordinator Dr. Sekiziyivu Samuel held the school Practice session for second year students in the School of Education. During this session student where given motivation talks preparing them for the school practice. School Practice at School of Education requires students to practice for a period of time while being mentored by both the practicing teachers in the different schools and the university supervisor. As a result supervision is not a one time off but continuous monitoring, feedback over a period.
Dr. Sekiziyivu Samuel, School Practice Cordinator addressing the students during the Briefing session
The briefing session was well attended by the students and staff members in attendence were; Assoc Prof. Betty Ezati, Dean, School of Education, Dr. Sekiziyivu Samuel the School Practice Cordinator, Dr. Micheal Walimbwa, School Practice Cordinator for Mbale Region and Mr. Oketch Reymick from the Department of Science, Technical and Science Education, School of Education and he is the School Practice Cordinator for the Norther Region
The dean School of Education, Dr. Betty A. Ezati, Associate Professor informed students that the School of Education endeavours to supervise each student 4 times over a period of 6weeks in Year 2 and again 4 times in Year 3. She was tough on sexual harassment, cautioning students going for school practice to completely not indulge in sexual harassment habits and not to be intimidated by anyone coming to supervise them and she availed her contact to student going for school practice in case of any intimidation.
She emphasised to students that code of conducts was very important while at school practice because they will still go to the same schools after completing their university studies. She also informed students that school practice is part and partial of the university assessments that lead to the award of a Bachelor of Education degree of Makerere University. It is very important to take School Practice as important like any other course unit taught in lecture room, a student cannot graduate without passing school practice.
Assoc. Prof. Betty Ezati, dean School of Education informed Students that feedback from the previous School Practice has shown that students from Makerere University, School of Education are good at content, advised students to stress much on content like the previous students and to create good relationship with other teacher and students they will meet during school practice and make sure to avoid any kind of arrogance as much as possible. She informed students that the ability to get a job depends on conduct to a large extent but not content.
Ms Najjero Rebecca, the guest speaker, a practicing teacher from Mengo Senior School, Kampala gave a very exciting and motivational speech to second year students from School of Education, Makerere University going for school practice. He motivated students that the 21st century teacher is completely different the teacher prior the 21st century, stressing the teacher of 21st Century can live a good life like other professionals. She informed students that the teacher of today can drive a good car, build a good house, and take his /her children to good schools like any other professional.
Her speech emphasised much on professional ethics and code of conduct of a teacher and what is expected of a teacher while at school and in a classroom. She stressed the importance of a dressing code of a professional teacher, stressing that the way you present you self to students will determine whether students should respect you or not. She emphasised the need to observe the school culture and take it very important
Ms Rebecca also emphasised that Information and Communication Technology skill is now a prerequisite for a 21st century teacher. Today, a teacher is expected to know how operate and teach using a computer, urged students going for School Practice to have skills in critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovative skill, leadership and personal development skills, Citizenship, Communication and collaboration skills, digital literacy among others. She concluded by saying that Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda is emphasising holistic teaching and advised students going for school practice to go a practice holistic teaching and be teachers with a difference.
Dr Michael Walimbwa from the School of Education, Makerere University and the School Practice Coordinator for Mbale region also addressed the students and he reminded them to remember that while they are going for school practice they should remember that they are going carrying the Makerere University flag and image. How they will conduct themselves during school practice will represent Makerere University product. He advised students to mind about dressing code and creating a harmonious relationship with other people during school practice.
Mr. Oketch Reymick from the School of Education and the School Practice Coordinator for Northern Region also gave an exciting speech to students going for school practice and advised them to go and practice learner centered approach as a method of teaching. He advised students to always seek information from any source, seek and share information with colleagues. He advised student to always plan for lessons and must make sure that every lesson has a smart objective, always evaluate if students have understood and always make self assessment after every lesson.