On 15th May 2018, the College Principal, Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi welcomed the Bint Love project delegation Led by Mr. Watuleke Joseph an academic staff in the department of Adult and Community Education, SoDLL, CEES. The delegation come all the way from Taiwan and is starting new project of sanitary reusable Pads at the department of Adult and Community Education in the College of Education and External Studies. Love Binti International is operating in different countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Taiwan and Canada. The aim of Love Binti is to provide the start up training to empower women and youths at all levels so that they can stand firmly on their own.
The delegation was introduced to the college Principal by Mr Watuleke Joseph who said that Love Binti International comes in with the idea of empowering and teaching students at College of Education and External Studies and Makerere University in general how make reusable sanitary pads; this will involve sewing and tailoring training for cloth pad making. The aim of this project is to make the students of Makerere University change agents of in the areas and districts where they come from.
Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi said that love Binti has come in at the right time when the country is facing high girl child dropout from schools and when government has announced that it will not managed to provide sanitary pads girls in school due to limited financial resources
CEES Principal, Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi promised to give support to Love Bint International and promised that the College is ready to collaborate with it in many other collaborative engagements. The College is going to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Love Binti International. The Principal informed Love Binti International that CEES trains teachers, other education practitioners, adult education providers, community workers and providers of open, distance and e learning. If students at CEES and Makerere University are taught how make reusable pads, it will help them to acquire skills and be able to teach young girls or community people where they come from how to make reusable pads thus causing impacts in the communities where they come from.
Mr. Watuleke reported to the principal that Love Bint International was once at the college of Education and External Studies and gave a motivate talk to the students in the department of Adult and Community Education. After department seeing the importance of this project, procured two electric Sewing Machines which students are practicing on but the only challenge is that the practicing Space or Love Binti Office is urgently need sinces the project is setting up a regional office at Makerere University.
UNICEF has shown that 1 out of 10 girls’ drops out of school due to lack of access to sanitary pads annually. To address this issue, Love Binti International comes in with the solution that involves sewing and tailoring training for cloth pad making. The trainings include field-based training to reduce the issue of lack of pads for school girls; and center-based tailoring training which equip more trainees with skills in pad-making to go out in the field as empowering agents. With these approaches we are aiming to reduce the dropout rates in schools and increase women independence.