The principal CEES Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi is calling on all CEES staff and students to support the Makerere University Endowment Fund (MakEF) by buying Tickets and MakRun 2018 T-shirts for Sunday, 25th March 2018. The Principal's Offices has sponsored a 100 CEES students in support for Makerere University Endowment Fund (MakEF) by buying Tickets and MakRun 2018
For MakRun T-Shirt and Cap contact Kisakye Esther at CEES Book Bank on 0703780106/0779903802. You can either go to the book bank or she can deliver the package to your office
1. Gold: 50,000 UGX buys MakRun T-Shirt and Cap
2. Silver: 25,000 UGX buys MakRun T-Shirt only
3. Students: 15,000 UGX buys MakRun T-Shirt only
The Duputy Principal, Associate Professor Paul Birevu Muyinda (PhD) is also calling all alumni of CEES, Staff Members, Students and well wishers of CEES and Makerere University to all come and participate in MAKRUN 2018 with him
Wish you the best at MAKRUN on 25th March 2018.