Bachelor of Education (BED-External) First Year Students’ Orientation 2017

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On Friday 9th September 2017, College of Education and External Studies management team welcomed the first year students of the Bachelor of Education-External to the college during the briefing session that took place at Makerere College School.

The orientation session was moderated by the programme coordinator for Bachelor of Education Mr. Mugisha Arthur who introduced first year students to the college management and guided College Managers on what students want to hear

The students were addressed by the Deputy Principal Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda who at the same time represented the CEES Principal during the orientation Session.  He congratulated the students for having been admitted to Makerere University and thanked the head of Department Institute of Distance and open and E-learning and the coordinator of Bachelor of Education for the good work done. He encouraged students to work hard so as to be able to graduate on time and go back home with good degrees. He said that most of the education officers and administrators in Uganda have been trained through Bachelor of education. He added that the course will enable them to acquire the 21st century skills. It has been observed that people who join Makerere University through a Bachelor of Education have higher ambitions for further studies; most of them have come back to Makerere University advance their academic career. Advised students to keep the good Image of the University. The deputy principal also delivered the message for college Principal Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi who called on student to take the teaching profession as a call from God.

Mr. Nazarius Turyakira, head of department, Institute of distance and Open and e-learning welcomed first year students to the institute and also introduced the staff members who were present. He gave the students the University hierarch of administration and flow of communication.  He promised to students all the necessary support to make sure that they graduate by 2020 since most students who join Bachelor of Education are always serious students.

The College bursar, Mr. Henry Amanya advised students to pay Tuition fees in time and that all university money is paid to the bank on the university account at any branch country wide and world over. He advised students to use student numbers while paying fees. Also advised students to pay 100% functional fees and 60% of tuition fees if enable to pay a 100% as per the university tuition fees payment policy, then the remaining 40% should be paid by 12th week of the semester. He also stressed issues of withdraws and internship refunds

The college registrar, Mr. Otim started by congratulating students for having been admitted to Makerere University.  He took students through registration process and requirement, went ahead explaining academic terminologies used at Makerere University. Also explained the danger of getting retakes and advised first year students to work hard to avoid retakes. Warned students against cheating examination and that cheating leads to being discontinued from the study programme. He told students that his office registers students who have paid tuition fees fully. 

Other officers that attended the orientation session included the assistant Registrar, Easther Kyomugisha, Nagemba Harriet, Babura Masaba, Kagwa, Lillian Lakoyo, Assistant Registrar and the Web Administrator/ Ag Communication Officer, Isemaghendera Alex

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