Annual National Language and Literature Pedagogy Conference 2017

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On 6th and 7th July 2017, Department of Humanities and Language Education, School of Education, CEES, Makerere University organised an Annual National Language and Literature Pedagogy Conference. The theme of the conference was Activity Based Language and Literature Teaching: Shaping the Learner for the 21st Century. The event took place in Makerere University Main hall.

The Keynote speaker was Rebecca Kirunda from Kyambogo University, whole gave her keynote speech titled: “The World is Changing Rapidly, and we must move with it”.

She stressed that the world is changing rapidly. New ideas and new Phenomena, some of them formally unbelievable, are being advanced at terrific speed and we must embrace these changes and get immersed in them in order to live comfortably and remain relevant.

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