Professor Senteza Kajubi fulbright memorial lecture


As part of activities to celebrate 100years of excellence, Makerere University College of Education and External Studies (CEES) and the US Embassy are thrilled to announce the PROFESSOR SENTEZA KAJUBI FULBRIGHT MEMORIAL LECTURE

The Lecture will be held under the theme, “Internationalization of Higher Education in the Next Century”

Date and Time: Thursday 22nd September, 2022 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM EAT

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Pippenger, Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization at the University of Notre Dam

Zoom Link for Online Attendance:

Prof. William Senteza Kajubi is not only remembered for being one of the most celebrated Makerere University Vice-Chancellors but also a man who made a remarkable contribution in the reformation agenda of the education sector in Uganda.

As we mark Makerere’s achievement of 100 years, it is prudent that we revisit the contribution of Prof. Senteza Kajubi and then pose a question, how prepared is Uganda’s Education System of higher education for internationalization in the next century? It is time to address if Makerere University will be prepared for a shift into broadening its strategies, cultures, research, projects and programs to cater for its international partners. These and more, are the questions that will be answered at the Public Lecture.

For more information on the Annual Public lecture and all Makerere@100 scheduled activities, please visit;

Concept Note


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