The Office of the Academic Registrar Makerere University would like to inform the general public that admission letters for Government sponsored students on national merit will be available on 13th July 2011. Students may pick their admission letters from the respective Colleges and Schools on the aforementioned dates.Read More
A writers workshop organized by the School of Distance and Lifelong Learning was held from 9th – 15th October 2011 in Kampala. The workshop was held as part of the activities for the LETTER (Learning for Empowerment Through Training in Ethnographic Research) DeLPhe project. The workshop was attended by 35 participants from Uganda (Makerere University...Read More
The School of Education is hosting students from Stranmillis University, Northern Ireland in a 12 week exchange program. The students, Lindsay Brown and Ashley Gault are based in the Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies where they are gaining skills in instructional design as part of their Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) programme. They...Read More
Centre for Lifelong Learning on October 21, 2011 graduated 22 learners who successfully completed their short course leading to the award of Certificate in Public Administration and Management of Makerere University. The course which was in line with the CLL motto, “taking Makerere University to the communities and bringing the communities to Makerere University” ran...Read More
The interim members of GKIHS will on Tuesday November 8, 2011, organize a half day seminar to sensitize fresh students pursuing Diploma in Project Planning and Management at the School of Distance and Lifelong Learning (SoDLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES). The seminar shall take place in SoDLL Lecture Theatre from 2.00...Read More
MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND EXTERNAL STUDIES MEDIA DAY 15 DEC 2011 THEME: UNVEILING THE INNOVATIVE POWER AT MAKERERE UNIVERSITY The Makerere University College of Education and External Studies will on Thursday 15th December 2011 at 12p.m hold a press briefing and exhibition to showcase its latest innovations to the media and general...Read More
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