Makerere University Physics Education Society

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As the Department of Science, Technical and Vocational Education DSTVE strives to achieve its objectives that include all science teacher trainees, MUPES also applying these regulations as its supreme law to work in coordination with the Department and Makerere University Education Science Students’ Association (MUESSA) together with Makerere University Physics Society (MUPS) and other related bodies to achieve the vision of Makerere university;

The society shall be open to all students with Physics undertaking in the university and beyond and thus it will only take a person’s enthusiasm, love, energy and commitment to join efforts for the good of the society.


  • To enhance professionalism, creativity, innovativeness in teaching and learning of physics and practical application of science knowledge for sustainable development among physics teacher trainees and scientists.


  • To enhance the teaching skills attained by the physics teacher trainees by the time of completion of the course Bachelors of Science with Education (Physics)


The motto of the society is:  “Physics 4 SMARTER Skills”


To make Physics and Physics Education the true source of innovative and transformative science and an art behind development of communities.


  1. To make Physics and Physics Education more relevant to the development of communities. This is through undertaking scholarly inquiry, research and development of projects. 
  2. To coordinate with the department to link students to related companies for connections, scholarships, and support in their career paths, projects and exhibitions.
  3. To seek avenues of higher education for students after their bachelor degree for example scholarships and research apprenticeship.
  4. To motivate more learners/educationalists to get involved in both theoretical and practical physics. This can be achieved through seminars, workshops and academic tours.
  5.  To have a strong bond for uniting students, the department and the outside global community through a series of social events.
  6. To set up a conducive academic relationship amongst learners and instructors for which learners can find it easy to forward their academic and social problems to the concerned administrators for rectification.
  7. To provide guidance and counseling services on issues like, core course units, elective course units, grading system, industrial trainings, projects, retakes and many more academic issues as might seem necessary to the university.
  8. To work with MUESSA and other related associations and societies within and outside of Makerere university to achieve common objectives in line with the development goals of Uganda at large.
  9. To foster scientific conferences and internationalization of students and the establishment of industrial parks and Project or Industrial Centres.


Classification and Qualification

  1. Membership to the society shall be open to all students admitted to Makerere University Kampala (U) with at least Physics as a unit.
  2. Membership to the society shall be open to both female and male students in all years of study in the above-named programs. 
  3. Full membership shall be attained upon payment of all membership and subscription fees as shall be determined by the executive organ of the Society from time to time. 
  4. Associate membership shall be open to interested University students from within and outside Makerere University of all years in the above-named programs.
  5. Corporate membership shall be open to the academic staff of DSTVE (MUK) and other interested members of Academic Staff Makerere University and beyond. 
  6.  Associate and Corporate members shall not be allowed to vote but free to contribute during meetings.
  7. Associate and Corporate Membership shall be attained upon payment of a membership fee of twenty thousand shillings only (20,000/=) for every academic year.


Composition of Executive Committee

The Society executive committee shall comprise of the following offices;

  • Patron
  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Rt. Hon Speaker
  • General Secretary
  • Publicity Minister
  • Finance Minister
  • Legal Advisor
  • Projects and Development Manager
  • Welfare Manager
  • Two representatives from each academic year including post graduate students