On 5th December 2018, the Deputy Principal College Of Education and External Studies, Associete Professor Paul Birevu Muyinda was in Berlin attending Online Education Berlin Conference in German. One of his objectives of attending this global online learning conference is to compare our practice in online learning at Makerere University with that from universities in...Read More
Makerere University College of Education and External Studies has learnt that Makerere University Appointment Board at its 587th Meeting held on 12th November 2018 took a decision to promote Dr. Ronald Bisaso from Senior Lecturer to a higher academic rank of an Associate Professor. The College Community is well aware of what it takes in...Read More
Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has appointed Associate Professor Mulumba Bwanika Mathias as a Coordinator Study-in- Japan Project. The project is aimed at strengthening collaborations/partnerships between Universities in Uganda and those in Japan; promoting "Study-in-Japan" by providing relevant and appropriate information to eligible population in Uganda; and promoting "Study-in-Uganda" by providing relevant...Read More
Makerere University School of Education together with its Department of Humanities and Language Education celebrates the PhD defences of two intelligent academic staff Dr. Muhindo Eliab and Dr. Jjingo Caesar who recently defended their PhD defences from respective universities. On 29th October 2018, Prof Bwanika Mathias Mulumba, the Department chair revealed that the department...Read More
National Coordinator Makerere University Centre for Lifelong leaning graced the graduation Ceremony for Makerere University Centre for Lifelong Learning Busia centre graduation and awarded certificates. The event took place on Saturday 18th November 2018 She stressed that this one way of taking the Makerere University to the community and bringing the community to Makerere...Read More
On 11th November 2018, School of Education through its Department of Foundations and Curriculum studies held an interaction session between professors from Malmo University and Professors, Teaching staff of Makerere University Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies. This session was held in lure of a Bachelor of Early Childhood Development at Makerere University. The...Read More
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