The Closing of the second Cohort of Assistant Lecturers was graced by Makerere University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Prof. Earnes Okello Ogwang. This cohort was organised for Assistant Lecturers from the College of Business and management Sciences. The training was held at Makerere University, Senate Building in the Teleconference Centre at Level 2 In...Read More
The College Principal, Prof. F. Masagazi-Masaazi led a team from CEES to the official Launch Ceremony of Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (Pedal). The team from CEES include Dr Sikoyo Leah and Dr. Kabugo David. The two will participate in the inception workshop for Padel for one week The official launch event took place on Monday...Read More
The College wishes warm welcome to all the first year students for the academic year 2018/19. As a college we highly feel that like every other passing batches every year you will hold the name of Makerere University College of Education and External Studies high and immensely contribute knowledge you obtain from here to wherever...Read More
On Saturday 28th July, 2018 the Department of Adult and Community Education conducted the first graduation of its Love Binti Project Trainees. A total of forty students were admitted for the June/July intake and a total of thirty-seven participants successfully completed the training leading to the award of Love Binti Certificate of Qualification. The participants...Read More
Makerere University Central Strategic Planning Committee held a meeting with the Staff of the College of Education and External Studies to make an initial presentation on the Makerere Strategic plan 2020 – 2030 on Thursday 26th of July, 2018 starting at 9:00am in the Lumumba Lecture Theatre. Associate Professor Muyinda Berivu Muyinda, presented on...Read More
On Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th July,2018 in the Telecentre level 2 senate building, College of Education and External Studies through the EASHESD in partnership with CTLS and drawing on technical support from the SOE embarked on pedagogical skills training for assistant lecturers in Makerere university. The colleges of COBAMS, CONAS and COCIS were the...Read More
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