Principal’s Message

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Makerere University College of Education and External Studies website. The College was formed following the merger of School of Education and Institute of Adult and Continuing Education; and now has three Schools and two Centres. These are: School of Distance and Lifelong LearningSchool of EducationEast African School of Higher Education Studies and DevelopmentCentre for Teaching and Learning Support and Centre for Lifelong Learning

Under the guidance of our expert staff, students have opportunities to purse or advance their careers in science, technical and vocational education, foundations and curriculum studies, humanities and language education, adult and community education and higher education studies and development. In addition using open and distance learning methodologies and in collaboration with other colleges (COBAMSCAES and CONAS) students can pursue a number of external programs.

We are committed to the creation of a knowledge society and communities of practice, addressing issues arising from implementation of UPE and USE and the liberalization of higher education; increasing educational opportunities to many more adult learners; influencing policy formulation and review; responding to local and international development needs and protocols; and playing an active role in the community amidst competition yet maintaining quality in the programmes, services offered and graduates produced.

Our mission is “To excel in the preparation of teachers, other education practitioners, adult education providers, community workers and providers of open, distance and e learning; to excel in the provision of quality ODeL programmes; research and in knowledge transfer and partnership relevant to CEES and responsive to national and global needs.

Kindly take time to look at our website. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We build for the future.

Prof Anthony Mugagga Muwagga,  Principal College of Education and External Studies.

Contact Information

College of Education and External Studies

Makerere University
P.O. Box 7062


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

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