The workshop was attended by officials from UNICEF and Ministry of Education, enumerators from different selected districts in Uganda and researchers from the College of Education and External studies. The event took place on 9th October 2018, in the School of Distance and Lifelong Learning, video conference facility. The workshop was officially opened by the...Read More
The Deputy Principal CEES Associate Professor Muyinda Birevu Paul is Acting Principal while the Principal is out of Office. On 6th Aug 2018, the Acting Principal and The Head of Department, Humanities and Language Education, are formally welcoming two Scholars from the East African Council of Higher Education, and these are Dr. Patrice Ntawigira (University...Read More
The Closing of the second Cohort of Assistant Lecturers was graced by Makerere University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Prof. Earnes Okello Ogwang. This cohort was organised for Assistant Lecturers from the College of Business and management Sciences. The training was held at Makerere University, Senate Building in the Teleconference Centre at Level 2 In...Read More
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