The institute focuses on providing a framework for mainstreaming ODeL into different academic programmes in Makerere University, providing a framework for assuring quality of ODeL-delivery programmes and to leverage the effectiveness of online/eLearning as enabler of 4th and 5th generation ODeL-delivering programmes and also increasing access to higher education in Uganda through multiple modes of delivery
To provide Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL) oversight and backstopping functions in the entire university.
- To provide backstopping support for mainstreaming ODeL into different academic programmes at Makerere University.
- To enable other units at Makerere University adopt transformative pedagogies using ODeL delivery approaches.
- To assure quality of ODeL delivered academic programmes at Makerere University.
Roles of IODeL
- Initiate continuous staff training for effective delivery and management of ODeL programmes in all academic units in the University.
- Carry out continuing capacity-building for ODeL managers, administrators, practitioners, tutors and study materials developers.
- Provide oversight to academic units while developing/reviewing proposals and curricula for programmes to be offered through ODeL.
- Accredit new or revised curricula for programmes to be delivered through ODeL mode before approval.
- Oversee the development and production of technology mediated study materials for ODeL programmes.
- Accredit technology mediated study materials before use in ODeL-delivered programmes and before approval of any new ODeL-delivered programme.
- Provide oversight in the implementation of curricula and student support services for ODeL-delivered programmes.
- Initiate innovations in ODeL programme delivery across the University.
- Undertake research and publication in ODeL.
- Facilitate on ODeL disciplinary subjects and courses across the university.
- Ensure that ODeL is appropriately represented on key planning organs of the University.
- Represent the University on ODeL organs and activities outside Makerere University.
- Forge links and partnerships with organizations involved in ODeL
- Advocacy for ODeL at institutional and national level.
- Market Makerere University ODeL expertise to various stakeholders.
- Manage ODeL staff, infrastructure and resources.
IODeL Activities for 2021
- Training Makerere University Academic staff from all colleges in online module development.
- Supporting academic staff to develop and upload their courses on MUELE
- Training all academic staff in setting online examinations and alternative assessment
- Training all university students to access, download and upload exams on the MUELE and attempting online quizzes