Ph.D Defense for Ms. Kulthum Nabunya


On Thursday 22 October, 2020 the East African School of Higher Studies and Development Ms. Kulthum Nabunya defended her Ph.D

The title of her thesis is:” Professional Development Practices and Service Delivery of Academic Staff in Kampala International and Kyambogo Universities  in Uganda”.

She was supervised by;
Hilary M. Tusiime (PhD) and Robert Kyaligonza (PhD)

This  study  sought  to  establish  the  relationship  between  Professional  Development  Practices (PDPs)  and  Service  Delivery  of  Academic  Staff  (SDAS)  in  Kampala  International  University (KIU)  and  Kyambogo  University  (KyU).  
The  study  was  specifically  intended  to  establish  the relationship between professional development practices and teaching, research and community service  delivery  of  academic  staff  in  the  aforementioned  universities.  Guided  by  the  Cross- sectional and correlational research designs, data were collected from 12 administrative staff and 466  academic  staff  using  interviews  and  questionnaires.  The  findings  showed  that  professional development practices were all significantly related to teaching, research and community service delivery  of  academic  staff  in  KyU;  while  it  was  (professional  development  practices)  only significantly related to community service delivery in KIU. In respect to KIU, the study revealed that  professional  development  practices  were  not  significantly  related  to  teaching  and  research service  delivery.  It  was  concluded  that  the  relationship  between  professional  development practices  and  service  delivery  of  academic  staff  differed  in  the  two  universities  studied.  It  was recommended that the two different universities needed different strategies to enhance the quality of service delivery of academic staff. Hence, it was specifically recommended that KyU should augment her professional development practices to boost service delivery of academic staff in the areas of teaching, research and community service. For the case of KIU, it was recommended that the aforestated university should concentrate her professional development efforts on community service  delivery  rather  than  focusing  them  on  enhancing  teaching  and  research.  service delivery across universities in Uganda.

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