Workshop on using Video Conferencing in teaching

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As part of the Distance Education Leapfrogging Project’s human resources skills development, a workshop on the creation and use of video and audio content in online and distance education was held from 3rd to 5th May 2016.

The workshop aimed at enabling participants to create and use video and audio content in online and distance education. A total of 27 participants attended the workshop in the Institute of Open, Distance and E-Learning computer laboratory at Makerere University. The training was facilitated by staff Assoc. Prof. Sven Ake Bjorke, Assoc. Prof. Ghislain Norbert Maurice Isabwe and Eng. Asmund Rodvig Somdal from the University of Agder, Norway.

The topics handled include:

·         Quality video in teaching: pedagogical considerations,

·         Hands- on use of Camtasia studio  to edit the videos

·         Hands on use of video camera recorders

·         Hands on use of portable/ ad-hoc video recording ( Smart phones and tablets)

·         Integrating video an audio content in virtual learning environment

The video recording was done in two ways. Some participants were recorded presenting a lecture with a PowerPoint presentation on a Smart board. The second group of participants did not use a Smart board. This group was able to import the PowerPoint presentation into Camtasia software. The participants learned how to edit both types of videos using Camtasia studio software.

Under the Institutional Development work package, DELP is supporting short and medium term skills improvement training programmes on online teaching and learning. The former AVU viewing room, control room and studio have been revamped to host video conferencing facilities. Equipment for video conferencing has been delivered and is ready to be installed in the AVU Viewing Room and in the remodelled CEES Lira Centre.

Using video in e-Learning has many benefits which include inspiring and engaging students, facilitating thinking and problem solving, assisting with mastery learning, improving later recall and it produces authentic learning opportunities.

The DELP is one of the thirteen (13) projects at Makerere University supported by NORAD’s NORHED Programme. The DELP is aimed at increasing access to flexible quality education at Makerere University by increasing capacity to integrate ICTs into pedagogical processes through leapfrogging the current 1st generation distance education provision into 4th and 5th generation distance education provisions.


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